Friday, September 24, 2010

Brute of a boy!

I just cannot tell you how FAST this boy is getting places and growing! It is AMAZING! He is fully walking now...If he wants to get somewhere, he usually chooses too stand up and at least TRY to walk there. If he stumbles a little, he will go back to crawling...but only for a little while.

I must point out in this video, I say he is walking at 9 1/2 weeks...obviously I mean Months!
And you also get to witness how quickly Vaughn's mood can change!

Now because of this learning process, he is still a bit unsteady. We got a call from school this week to tell us that Vaughn was walking and fell into a plastic toy bin, hitting his nose so hard that his nose bled a little! OH MAN! I was a little freaked out, but they assured me after a little crying...he had recovered and was happily playing. And two hours later when I arrived to pick him up (and sign the accident report), there was no sign of this stumble. This stumble into being a big boy.

He has now shed blood...the first of probably many in his journey into being a boy.
He is the first in his class to be walking, and not the now the race is on to see who will follow his lead! I wonder if any of the other babies saw him do that and think, "I am NOT going to do THAT if a bloody nose comes of it!"

We are expected to be in the 70's this will be a welcome additional cool down.

I wanted to show our awesome artwork that my friend Lauren did for us! One is of Vaughn and the other is of the girls. They are in our bedroom. We love them!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Turning 35 and baby steps!

Uncle Lucas came to town! Vaughn just loves playing with him!
Lucas coming to North Carolina was a total surprise for me that Micah set up. Lucas and Micah were waiting for me in the Lowe's lobby on Thursday afternoon. I had NO idea! Micah just told me that he had something to give me Thursday before the birthday weekend. I didn't ask questions, just headed down to see what it was! It was SO much fun. We spent a couple of days getting ready for the 35th birthday party and a couple more days recovering from it...or at least I did!

Here is the video of cutting the cake at my 35th birthday party. We all ate and drank a lot...and kept on eating that cake for days!

My mom and Dad sent this chirping racoon/chipmunk thing. Vaughn got a kick out of it.

And here is a few more steady steps to see...

Micah worked really hard to get the back yard set up to be usable. He did a great job and turned an odd corner around the hot tub into an awesome entryway with landscaping plants and lights with a walkway and stairs. It is wonderful to walk through and relax in. Take a look:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cooling out in NC

Vaughn (with his red cheeks) and Da-Da
We FINALLY cooled off a little in NC. I don't know if it had anything to do with Hurricane Earl in the gulf, all I know is that we are thankful! We spent a lot of time out on the deck this weekend enjoying the shade and breeze.
Vaughn is really starting to vocalize himself lately. While happily smiling and screaming is disturbing in a restaurant...most other times, we welcome the babble. He also has a cute little huh-huh when he sees something that he is happy about. It's like his little baby chuckle. I included this video so you can hear some of the chatter that comes out of his mouth. We were at Borders and Vaughn was all too happy to get out of the stroller to walk around. A young girl was looking for a playmate and Vaughn loved watching her move the beads on the wooden and wire toy thingy. Why is it they always have these things in doctors offices and public places where you know they never get cleaned? I just know that I rubbed a wet wipe over his hands as we left. Notice I turned the video off once I realized he was trying to bite one of the beads. Gross. It was then time to leave!