Thursday, February 3, 2011

A little personality...

Our little Butter Bean Vaughn....What a character! He is getting more talkative every day. The above video is a good snippet of his babble. He isn't usually wearing just a diaper but he had a particularly messy dinner that night and we stripped him down so as to avoid getting it anywhere else!

Vaughn's cuteness and wordplay includes:
He has finally mastered "Bye Bye" and waving.
Says "Hi Dada" when we get home from school.
Loves his morning "Boffle" or Waffle to us non Toddlers...
Has figured out the baby sign for more or I want it, pointing into his other hand and does it for just about anything edible that he sees!
He can say "Ball" and tries really hard at Balloon....with a "Ba Ba Ba" at the beginning.
Can "give momma a kiss" but really just presses his open mouth face up against my cheek and backs away.
Smiles really big now and shows off his 6 teeth (we are still waiting for more!)
Loves to climb on anything and climb IN his totes!
Knows most of his toys by name and loves to show off his retrieving skills.

I hope you all are surviving the ice and snow across the country!